Declaration of Independance

Declaration of Independance

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Declaration of Indepedence

We will start our writing with the Declaration of Independence, since it is the document that established the thirteen colonies as "independent and sovereign states". First a little background on the Declaration is in order. The Declaration is the document that marks the beginning of the thirteen colonies as a new and independent country, the United States of America. It was debated and passed by the Second Continental Congress. John Hancock was President of the Congress, and John Adams was instrumental in passing the Declaration. Thomas Jefferson wrote the final draft of the Declaration, and John Adams was a leader in favor of its adoption during the debates over passing the document. The final draft of the document was passed unanimously on July 4th,1776.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What was the Real Vision of the Founding Fathers?

Most of us know at least a little about the Founding Father's vision for our country. Mostly what we learned in high school and/or college. What we do know tends to be about the most famous Founding Fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. This is all well and good, but the fact is that there are many more Founding Fathers than those mentioned above. First, there were 56 signers of The Declaration of Independence. In addition, there were 39 men who signed the Constitution. In this blog, we plan to delve into the writings and speeches of all the Founding Fathers, including the famous ones. So check back often, as we intend to write at least one post on the vision for our country of each of these men.